
North End

Baby-love lived in the north end of Hammertown, the home of the hopeless. It’s that part of town where poor people struggle against Mr. Bigblue. Bigblue  hires twelve part time workers to do the job of six full time workers. The poor single mothers living in the north end never quite get enough work hours to make a living. So, Baby-love lives in constant need. And Bigblue gets a higher profit margin. And the NDP stand by and watch.

When Baby-love was adopted, the social workers told us she had had milk bottle teeth and malnutrition as an infant. Apparently when Baby-love was hungry, Mommy was in the next bedroom, drunk and stoned, screwing her latest boy friend bareback.

Unbeknown to her, today was Baby-love’s lucky day. One of those lottery tickets she bought last week was a winner. Ten thousand dollars, out of nowhere! This was her lucky day!

Today is one year after her lucky day and Baby-love has another problem. Fentanyl. Fentanyl is one of those addiction problems that solves itself.  It’s the weirdest thing. The sellers of Fentanyl actually poison their own customers! It’s the weirdest thing since someone invented the cigarette – the addictive mini-cigar that kills the customers slowly.

Question: What’s missing in the North End of Hammertown.

Answer: Don’t ask me – ask Moses. (Who?) (Moses?) Yes, Moses: the guy who brought The Law to The People. What’s missing in Baby-love’s life is law: Bigblue would call it ‘rule of law.’

Baby-love was never taught how to obey or to think. Her life has always been ‘action-reaction.’ And now she’s in the fourth decade of her chaotic life, a single mother, addicted to feel-good dope, with the Children’s Aid Society eyeing her kids. Like mother, like child.

Question : What false belief(s) underlie The Life of Baby-love?

Answer: The good old American concept of freedom. “Good Ol’ Boys” think freedom is good. This is Baby-love’s problem. Rule of Law is good, not freedom. Baby-love needs rule of law in her life. She’s had an over-dose of freedom.

Baby Love by Kathy Poitras, available at


March 2021

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